Open Day at Government House on Sunday drew sizeable crowds, eager for a glimpse inside the historic Fernberg Estate.
The day was an opportunity to welcome members of the public to explore the working residence of Queensland Governors going back to 1910, and to learn more about Fernberg, which Her Excellency considers to be a place for all Queenslanders.
Many visitors came to soak up the festive atmosphere, enjoying live music on the lawns and treats from one of several food and beverage vans. The beautiful gardens surrounding the house drew in others, with members of our horticultural team on hand to chat about their work, which involves caring for the 14 hectares of greenspace that is a haven for wildlife in the inner city.
Those who ventured inside were greeted by knowledgeable volunteer guides, who offered insights into the history of the house and its contents — and the constitutional, ceremonial and community duties of the Governor.
The Australian Army were on hand with displays that included an imposing Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicle, rarely seen outside of our military bases.
Several of the Governor’s patronage organisations participated in the event: Tennis Queensland provided rackets and balls to anyone wanting to have a hit Fernberg’s historic grass tennis court; Girl Guides Queensland proudly displayed entries from the Governor’s ‘Girl Scribes’ creative writing competition; Brisbane Jazz Club was among those providing musical entertainment; and Surf Life Saving Queensland and St John Ambulance Qld were on hand, the latter providing first aid services.
A great day out in our great state!
For those who missed out, head to our website to find out how you can join one of our regular free guided tours of Government House and the Fernberg Estate.