QCWA Proston Lunch
South Burnett Regional Council, Deputy Mayor, Councillor Kathy Duff; QCWA Proston President, Ms Val Klein; ladies and gentlemen.
I begin by acknowledging the Traditional Owners of the lands of the South Burnett region, the Wakka Wakka and Wulli Wulli people, and pay my respects to Elders past, present and emerging, and to all First Nations people here today.
I am delighted to be here in Proston and have had a lovely morning visiting the Wondai and Murgon hospitals to thank the dedicated healthcare staff there, and have just come from the Proston District Heritage Museum which has pulled together an incredible array of artwork, displays and memorabilia that proudly tells the stories of the district and its people over the past 100 years.
I trust the celebrations in September will be lots of fun, I’m sure!
As Governor for all of Queensland, I do like to get out and about this vast State of ours and visit Queenslanders wherever they may live, and chat to them about the things that matter most to them.
Wherever I go, I also like to try to connect with my patronage organisations (which are now nearing 170 in number), so I am particularly delighted, as Patron of the QCWA, to be able to join you here at the Proston Branch for lunch today.
Of course, the QCWA celebrated its centenary in August of last year, and I have thoroughly enjoyed being involved in a number of those celebrations all around Queensland.
Over the years, the QCWA has brought generations of women together, and in doing so, has effectively harnessed the two powerful qualities of compassion and practicality.
The QCWA was formed to build connections between women in areas isolated by distance, who sought friendship, and the opportunity to share their interests and knowledge.
But, at the same time it has always been about helping others.
And we have seen the steadfast willingness of your members to lend a helping hand on display again this month, with your Branch members banding together to support those involved in the search for the young autistic man who went missing recently.
Your resolve to provide empathy and assistance whenever and wherever it is required is admirable, and your association adds so much to the fabric of our State.
Queensland is grateful for all you do, and it is my absolute pleasure to join you for lunch today.